Gmat Test Slot Availability

As you plan for the upcoming application cycle and uncertainty remains with the pandemic, the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) – who administers the GMAT exam – is continuing to offer the flexibility to take the GMAT™ exam either online or at test centers where it is safe and available. You can take the GMAT Online exam through the end of the year, and appointment slots are available now through December 31. Additional availability will be added on a rolling basis.

Over 80% of the global test center network supporting the GMAT exam is now open, including eight test centers in China, with the planned opening of one of our test centers in Beijing in early August. Centers in China are operating at close to 100% capacity, including some with extended hours to support additional appointment demands. Test centers in other parts of the world continue to scale up operating capacity, though many are still operating at lower capacity to comply with social distancing and new health and safety measures. An up-to-date status of test center availability can be found on


Cost of the GMAT Online is $200, which is $50 less than the previous cost. Due to this epidemic outbreak, GMAT testing has been suspended in many locations due to safety issues. Till 31 st December 2020, candidates can schedule GMAT online exam at home available for 24x7. Aspirants can book the test before 24 hours only as per the slot.

To determine if you should take the GMAT exam online or in a test center, you can view the GMAT Test Center vs. Online comparison guide.

  1. You can take the GMAT Online exam through the end of the year, and appointment slots are available now through December 31. Additional availability will be added on a rolling basis. Additional availability will be added on a rolling basis.
  2. Keep in mind that certain slots get filled quickly, so be sure to register as early as possible. GMAT Exam Registration Fee. The registration fee is $250 (worldwide). Those who schedule an exam in certain countries will incur taxes. Tax rate information is available at in the GMAT registration section.
  3. Choose your GMAT Test dates as per availability of slots. Find your GMAT Test Centers as per your convenience. Due to COVID 19 outbreak, you can appear for GMAT Online at home.
Gmat test slot availability list

Gmat Test Slot Availability Sites

Whether you choose to test online or in a test center, GMAC have free prep materials to help get you started, including two practice exams for the GMAT.

Gmat Test Slot Availability Tool

For more information, please visit GMAT Online.