888 Casino Blackjack Rules

This is the casino’s sole advantage in blackjack, and if everything else were equal, and the player “mimicked” the dealer’s playing rules, the house edge in blackjack would be about 8%. (The dealer and player each would have about a 28.3% probability of busting, if they played in the same manner; therefore, 0.283 times 0.283, or about 8.

  • It is easy to see why the casinos decided to implement the multi-deck usage. The increase in the usage of number of decks was the first part of the changes introduced by casinos to increase the advantage the house has over the player. The second part was the rules used by the casinos in the game of blackjack. I’m going to go over a few of the.
  • As you saw in Chapter 3, I presented the basic strategy for different sets of rules and number of decks in a color-coded chart. I know that some players find it difficult to memorize the strategy using the chart, which is why I also presented the same strategy as a set of rules that most players find easier to understand and learn.
Blackjack888 Casino Blackjack Rules

888 Casino is easily among the biggest names in the online gambling world. They have been around for almost two decades now and that makes 888 Casino an extremely trustworthy brand. If you want peace of mind that you are not being scammed and that you are playing at a legitimate establishment then 888 Casino is the place for you. With this massive size, though, come some drawbacks. 888 Casino is not the most customer-friendly place on the internet, and getting any grievances redressed can be a task in itself.



888 Casino is listed on the London Stock Exchange and that means they are highly regulated and monitored. They are also licensed by the Government of Gibraltar. 888 Casino also offers access to their monthly payout percentage, a nice touch towards promoting transparency in online casinos.
888 Casino is not the kind of establishment to skirt around rules and so only players from countries that allow online gambling are accepted.

888 casino blackjack rules how to play

Mobile Review

888 Casino has one of the best mobile interfaces that we have seen built for mobile gaming. There is a wide variety of games that are available, although, a lot lesser than the ones available on the full website. Players that are looking for a particular game may be disappointed but most others will find something to their liking.

The best thing about the mobile website is that it is compatible with iOS and Android straight off without requiring any downloads. Players can just navigate to the website from their mobile device and get started.

One thing we also liked was the availability of 7 live dealer games apart from the usual slots and casino games.

Bottom Line

888 Casinos has a lot going for it. It is an establishment that has built up a reputation over a number of years. Players can play on the website assured that they are at a trustworthy establishment that is on the right side of the law. The number of games available, the quality of software available, and the polish apparent is much better than most other competing platforms.

888 Casino Blackjack Rules Card Game

It, is, however, not the best when it comes to withdrawal times depending on the payment method being used. Refer to the breakdown in our table on the right for more details.

888 Casino Blackjack Rules How To Play

There is a reason why 888 casino is one of the biggest names in the business and we have no doubt you will be satisfied with your experience as well.